Submit a WINE Industry Update or Tip

Know of an interesting development in the world of Virginia wine, beer, cider and spirits? We’d love to hear about it. Please complete this form to share your news with us!

Please take a few moments to complete the form. If you have any questions you can reach out to Jennifer Carroll, our online editor. Her email address is [email protected].


You can complete this form in one sitting or do a little, save it, and come back later to finish it if that’s more convenient. You can also have multiple users help you complete it. Here are some important notes if you plan to have help with the form and/or do it in different sittings.

  1. As soon as you arrive on this form page, go ahead and scroll to the bottom and click “Save and Complete Later” (this is located next to the “Submit” button. This will generate a link for you to share with your team to help them complete the form (be sure you are not all logged in at the same time). You will also see a field to email that link to yourself, we recommend you do this so you don’t lose it. Once you’re ready, click the link to return to the form to continue filling it out.
  2. Do not upload your photos/logo until you have completed ALL of the other fields. The “Save” button will not save your images with your form. So, make that your last step.


  • Please tell us your name (the person completing this form) in case we need to reach you with any questions.
  • Please share your email address in case we need to ask you a question.
  • Please tell us what category your topic covers. Please note, if you are trying to let us know about an upcoming festival or other events, please use our event calendar form instead.
  • Who or what is your submission about? Please list which venue, maker, or event this relates to.
  • Tell us all about your news, event, announcement, etc... we can't wait to hear all about it!
  • Is there a place online where we can read more about your tip? Please share that here.
  • Do you have any photos you'd like to include? You may upload JPEGs here. Remember do not upload your photos/logo until you have completed ALL of the other fields. The “Save” button will not save your images with your form. So, make that your last step.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 64 MB.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.